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On The Move
- 6th May 2021 -
Already a few months digitally among us, but now a proper introduction: meet Jorn Ockerman. And we also wish all the best of luck to Stijn De Baets, as of next week he’s appointed as part-time post-doctoral assistant occupational therapy.
Jorn Ockerman - PhD Scholarship (100%)
Hi everyone! My name is Jorn and I started my PhD trajectory in November. I’ve spent my youth in Gooik and after my studies in Leuven, I came to Ghent and took my first steps in the physiotherapeutic workfield. After four years of experience in the (mainly paediatric) practice I started at Creative Therapy, a young spin-off company of Ghent University. Under the supervision of prof. Hilde Van Waelvelde I gained the opportunity to start a PhD in cooperation with this company, investigating the use of affordable technologies in a clinical context. Unfortunately due to the current measures I didn’t had the opportunity yet to meet other colleagues, but hopefully this will change within the next months.
Besides work I spend my time in graphic design, playing music, reading, hiking and devouring podcasts. In addition I’m passionate (read: obsessed) by board games. Don’t mind to contact me for gift suggestions, demos, game nights (when allowed again) or way too long conversations about this topic. I look forward to meet you all in real life!
Academic assistant Spine (GE37 - 100%): external publication

Post-doctoral researcher Muscle Physiology (GE30 - 100%): external publication

Physiotherapist (RSC Anderlecht - 100%): read more